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  • 🤩 What is Employee Experience?

🤩 What is Employee Experience?

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🤩 What is Employee Experience?

Employee experience (EX) is the employee’s perception of his or her journey within a company, from recruitment to retirement. What are the key components of this experience and what can HR leaders do to provide this experience for their employees?

💻 HR Trend Spotlight: CIPM Supports the Use of Analytics in HR

The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) has advocated using analytics for making informed decisions that drive employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Analytics allow organizations to track trends, understand employee behavior, and measure the effectiveness of HR initiatives, leading to more strategic decision-making. 

🎧 HR Insights

In this episode of CIPD, Teresa Rose, an award-winning learning consultant and founder of ConsultHer, and Seb Tindall, director of strategic enablement at Vitality, talk about how employees can use a plethora of tools available outside their workplaces to enhance their learning and development. They also discuss the concept of learning at the point of need.    

💡 HR Tips & Tricks

Tip of the Day:  Encourage cross-departmental mentorships for knowledge sharing and professional growth. These relationships can lead to new perspectives and increased collaboration across the organization.

Trick of the Day: Introduce a rotating "project champion" role where different team members take ownership of a project for a week. This keeps everyone engaged and accountable, while also building leadership skills.

🧾 HR Case Files: Retention Planning at an Urban School District

At USHCA, Patti LaFiore, Chief Human Capital Officer, and Martine Davis, an HR partner, embarked on a focused effort to improve retention within their school district. They gathered insights from teachers through focus groups and discovered that retention is a highly personal issue, with different teachers valuing different aspects of their work experience. A strategic planning session was held to brainstorm district-wide solutions, focusing on compensation, recognition, and leadership roles for teachers.

Key Takeaways

  • Union dynamics and resource availability are important factors in implementing HR strategies.

  • Regular feedback and flexibility in strategy execution are essential to adapt to changing needs.

🧰 HR Toolbox

Stay equipped with the latest HR events and resources.

Resource of the Day 

Gartner’s latest HR research reveals that only 33% of employees feel their organizations consistently deliver on their promises, particularly when it comes to career development and growth opportunities. The study suggests that HR departments must rethink their approach to employee engagement by focusing on trust-building initiatives, transparent communication, and providing clear pathways for career advancement. 

Event of the Day

The HR Healthcare Summit is scheduled on September 23-24 at the Westin Copley Place in Boston. In this event, attendees will gain insights into the latest trends and innovations shaping the future of HR in healthcare.

For conference details and registration, visit the website.

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